Disciples active in the world
SMRUC is a community of faith dedicated to following the teachings of Jesus. We believe the gospel of Christ is one of radical love and radical inclusivity. And it demands of us action in the world.
Welcome radically
Worship totally
Hope stubbornly
Love wastefully
Live intentionally

Affirming and Inclusive
God has created people as a wonderful mosaic of shapes, sizes, abilities, and orientations. St. Mary’s Road United welcomes and includes people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in all aspects of our community.

Worship and

Worship is our touchstone. It grounds us prepares us for action in the world. We meet for worship, including children and youth programming at 11:00 am Sunday Morning.
Our worship is live streamed. Join us live on YouTube or watch past worship on our YouTube Channel. ​

with US
Explore our community on our social media pages
All our services are live streamed to our YouTube channel